New Beginnings

My first blog. Well my first blog here on wordpress that is. I have recently gone through a heartbreak, and decided it was time for new beginnings, so I have moved my blog to here.

On Monday I had a surgery (gallbladder removal), and am currently on day 3 or 4 depending on how you count it, of recovery, ironically enough it’s also day 4 after the break-up. So yes things aren’t exactly going splendidly at the moment, but things will get better!

I am planning on doing the SWAP Ireland program next year, rather I will be staying in Ireland for the full 2 year duration, or only for one year I have yet to decide but I still have lots of time left to plan, and work it all out. All that I do know is I cannot wait until I arrive in the Emerald Isles, its something I have always wanted to do, and now I’m actually going to do it.

Wicklow National Park, Ireland

Wicklow National Park, Ireland

So here is to new beginnings, dreams, possibilities, adventure, and a positive attitude.

7 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. Good for you on deciding to Swap to Ireland!! It’s amazing what a fresh start in a new country can do for you 🙂
    Best of luck for your recovery and thanks so much for liking my posts! Let me know if you need any tips or have any questions about SWAP ^^

  2. I’m doing SWAP Ireland for the second time next year! You won’t regret it. Where are you from? Where do you plan on staying? Let me know if you need any advice!

    All the best,
    Will Walsh

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