Making the Right Choice.

Getting ready for Ireland. Okay so I’m not exactly getting ready for Ireland just yet. However I have been looking into things non-stop, am almost always finding something new to watch about Ireland, have talked to fellow swappers who are planning on doing the same thing, are over in Ireland already, or have gone and come back. I also have a to do list made out of things I need to do to prepare, I even have a packing list made out already, which is funny coz I still have no idea when my departure date would be.

Most everyone is aware of my recent break-up, and I have to admit to everyone that I am sort of hesitating about doing the whole Ireland thing because of my ex. He and I never stopped talking after the break-up, and have hung out a few times since, and it somewhat feels as though our relationship is getting stronger, and better since the break-up. Hopeless little romantic me may be hoping that maybe we’ll get back together, I don’t exactly care about what anyone would think of me for letting him back, if wants back, I’m not worried about any of that, the only thing that I do know is if we get back together, Ireland is out of the question; and to be completely honest the idea of losing Ireland for him doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

Now all of that being said, he and I should probably sit down together and have a very long talk about everything. We very well may both come to the conclusion that as much as we both care about each other, and want to be together, we just don’t work as a couple. For both of us to be completely happy, we just may happen to have to go our separate ways. It’s never easy to say goodbye to someone who you care that much about, but if I know it’s for the best than everything will be OK; and although I used to be one of those “exes can’t be friends” people, the truth is why can’t they?!

Now to get back to Ireland, a lot of you may suddenly think “oh well the idea of giving up Ireland doesn’t bother her so she must not even really want it” you couldn’t be more than wrong. Yes I am willing to give up Ireland but only for love, the notion of giving it up for love is what makes it seem OK to lose Ireland,

I feel like this blog may be running a bit long, but I have a lot to say, so I apologize and please stay with me.

Some of you may know, and some of you may not know, that I am having some debt issues. The debt itself may not be that grand of a number, however it is still there. A big part of me is thinking maybe I should pay that off entirely before heading off to Ireland, and the idea of that has had me in tears. I cannot help but wonder when I’d finally manage to make my way to Ireland if I were to pay off my debt first. In the end of all ends though, everything budget wise can and will be sorted out, and I no longer feel complete anxiety over it. Good riddance!

Now I do have a few more things to say but as I feel this is already long enough (too long, maybe?!) I’ll end it here.

K. Chabot

W.B. Yeats

“We can only begin to live when we conceive life as
Tragedy.” ― W.B. Yeats